IoT World- A community for IoT in East Sweden

IoT world is a regional community that focuses on making society more efficient with the help of IoT. The network consists of committed project partners from research, business and public activities. The goal of the community is to gather expertise, experience and knowledge in an open network to continue building the regional area of ​​strength.

Our goals are to:

  • Accelerate the use of IoT solutions.
  • Create sustainable growth with increased employment and strengthened competitiveness for digital companies.
  • Contribute to sustainable digitalization of the public sector and regional business.
  • Develop efforts in the area of strength smart, secure, connected products and systems.

Take part of our Community Canvas here!


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How can we help you?

IoT World is a platform where companies, public and the academia can meet and create development projects together. Our offer:


A place where our members can meet and share experiences, find new partners and help each other.


Processes for innovative and transformative projects.

Workshops & Events

Gatherings for ideation, prototyping and sharing results.

Project Support

Support during the application process, Project Managing and Technical Expertise.


A shared IoT lab where members can try ideas and build prototypes.


Open events, newsletters and social media channels that will market your projects and share the results with the world.

Some of our projects within IoT World!

We gather actors from business, academia and the public sector to realize IoT projects for a better world. Read more about our projects here!

Finished: Evaluation by Professor Stefan Holmlid

Stefan Holmlids, professor of design at Linköping University, research focus is on the meeting between design and service. Stefan has researched IoT World during it’s startup period.

His report describes some aspects of what can be learned from the creation of an IoT Community in Östergötland.

“In summary, the investment in IoT World, along with others initiative, helped to create a platform that is currently moving in the meeting between technology development and application. The way there went through the creation of an arena where 1) public organizations, with a logistics system, had access to resources to do
minor experiments with IoT, and 2) technology-savvy companies were given the opportunity to conduct experiments with organizations that saw opportunities in IoT for their logistics system, with the support of 3) a partially design-driven process as a common base and complement to internal business or technology development processes. On that In this way, the hub has helped to open up the organizations’ innovations and development processes towards each other.”

Download the report by Stefan Holmlid here!

Material Supply in the Public Sector

The corona pandemic shed light on the challenge of material supply that has previously been a fact in healthcare. There is currently no comprehensive overview of how much material is available at the various operations and at what speed they are consumed, which can lead to both material shortages and surpluses. The Östergötland Region is now joining forces with RISE- Research Institutes of Sweden, IoT World, Kinda Municipality and Linköping Municipality to investigate solutions to the issue.

“The project is about finding technical solutions but also new routines. Among other things, we will pinpoint what it looks like when the actual extraction of materials is made and how to make inventories. We want as much as possible to be automated and the goal is for it to be as simple as possible for the end users, the care staff. They should hardly notice the changes that are being introduced.”

– Project Manager Claes Otterborg, Östergötland Region.

Keep reading about the project!

Digital guidance for the visually impaired

The project’s starting point is to create a digital solution that accompanies the visually impaired in the dynamic public transport. The solution should not require new physical installations, expensive equipment on vehicles or new aids. The solution integrates system solutions that apply digital twins of vehicles, open data that is shared in real time and machine learning with the mobile’s sensor system. The results can be viewed in the video below. The project has received funding for a continued development, this is ongoing.

Partners in this project are: Gaia, LiU, RISE, VTI and Östgötatrafiken.

Keep reading about the project!

Test bed for Safety-creating Technologies

The project will give public needs owners, research actors and companies the opportunity to test new digital solutions in a complex public environment for increased perceived security. The tests should contribute to sharing experiences and create learning about solution maturity and interoperability, organizational conditions and individual learning with the aim of spreading and scaling working solutions in other environments.

“In the testbed, we want to take the next step by working with sensors for image, motion, and sound, to address specific societal problem,” says Joakim Falkäng Process Leader.

Read more about the project here

News and projects from IoT World


IoT World is driven by our members and we value your opinions and listen to your wishes and priorities. It's free of charge to become a member. Read more below on of you cane engage in our community.


As a partner you are in need of new solutions and believe IoT can help you. You have a strong voice in the community as you are the ones financing the projects.

As a partner you will:

  • Be invited to networking sessions for members and partners
  • Be invited to quarterly workshops to initiate new projects
  • Invitations to the yearly Strategy Day
  • We share your news and events regarding IoT in our communication channels
  • Can take part in our Special Interest Groups who guides the initiatives of IoT World
  • Support in Project Applications
  • Access to the IoT World Lab
  • The IoT World newsletter

Become a member here!


We want our members to be engaged and get a lot of value from investing their time in IoT World. Therefore- you are extremely important to us!

As a member you will:

  • Be invited to networking sessions for members and partners
  • Be invited to quarterly workshops to initiate new projects
  • Invitations to the yearly Strategy Day
  • Contribute with an offer to other members, such as a workshop
  • We share your news and events, regarding IoT, in our communication channels
  • Can take part in our Special Interest Groups who guides the initiatives of IoT World
  • Support in Project Applications
  • Access to the IoT World Lab
  • The IoT World newsletter

Become a member here!


If you don’t want to be a member you can still take part of some of IoT Worlds offer.

If you are curious you can take part of IoT World via:

  • Our newsletter
  • Our LinkedIn page
  • Our open events, follow the newsletter to get invitations

Meet our members!

We are very proud of our members, a group that keeps on growing! We have representation from both academia and research, small and large businesses as well as public sector.


Meet our members here!

Welcome to the IoT Lab!

The IoT World Lab is located at Ebbepark on RISE’s premises. The lab is open to members and to students who wants to perform tests or borrow equipment.

The lab is equipped with:

  • Laser Cutting Machine
  • RFID- equipment
  • NFC- equipment
  • Soldering Station
  • General Electronics

If you have questions about the lab please contact Tomas Westlund.



Ulrika Johansson

Tomas Westlund

Technical Coordinator and Lab Manager
070 965 24 28

Elise Karlborg

Project Manager “Vägledning av IoT för framtidens materialförsörjning inom offentlig sektor”
0702-23 52 92

Daniel Kullgard

Martin Holmberg

Julia Bergman

Follow us!

Do you want to keep in touch? Great, you can find us here:

IoT World (Managed by Linköping Science Park) received in recognition of continuous improvements according to the methodology of the “European Cluster Excellence Initiative (ECEI).

Eu regionala utvecklingsfonden

IoT World is financed by:

The European Union Development Fund and Region Östergötland. 

Region Östergötland logga

Smart specialization

IoT World is part of Smart, secure and robust connected products and systems, one of five regional strength areas in the East Sweden Region. The coordinator for the strength area is Linköping Science Park.

Read more about Smart, secure and robust connected products and systems here!

Smart specialization is a strategic investment to highlight and prioritize strong areas in a region to strengthen competitiveness. Through smart specialization, the East Sweden Region works to promote growth, innovation and research in five designated areas of strength.