
Viable Cities - Linköping Climate Neutral

Viable cities is a strategic innovation program with support from Energimyndigheten, Vinnova and Formas, aiming at creating climate neutral cities by 2030. Linköping is one of 23 Swedish cities working towards this goal. By signing the Climate Contract, Linköping has agreed to reduce the CO2 emission, facilitate innovation and make the citizens contribute to the change. The goal of the project is to enhance and facilitate the conversion to a sustainable city with the starting point in Klimat- och energiprogrammet which was accepted in the city council in mars 2022. The program proclaims the goals that Linköping municipality should be carbon neutral in 2025 and achieve net-zero emissions in 2045. 

Digital tools are an important factor in this work and by being a part of this project Linköping Science Park can contribute by facilitating technical and innovative ideas along with Linköping Science Park´s vision “Enabling groundbreaking solutions for the modern society”. It is our firm belief that the innovation environments in Sweden and the Science Parks in our cities could be arenas for accelerating the transformation into a more sustainable society. We and our community – the companies of Linköping are continuously working to accept the challenges of tomorrow and embrace new ways of thinking. 

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Sustainable Science Park Green Travel Plan

Green Travel Plan

The Green Travel Plan for Mjärdevi, is a site-specific report containing a package of measures tailored to the transport needs of the development aimed at increasing travel choices and reducing reliance on the private car.

With this initiative supported by the property owners and employers in the park executed by the municipality,  we take action to reduce our climate impact and adjust to a low CO₂ future. The initiative is part of the municipality of Linkoping’s ambitious goal of reaching carbon dioxide neutrality by the year 2025. One-third of CO2 emissions are from traffic. To achieve CO₂neutrality, we need the involvement of the local business community. Therefore, the municipality of Linkoping funded the development of a green travel plan for Science Park Mjärdevi in 2017. An travel survey was distributed and a action plan was developed in collaboration of  property owners, employers and other stakeholders within the park.

Keep reading about the project here!