Application closed

NOTE: The application for 2024 test bed vouchers is now closed. Stay tuned for 2025 updates!


Vinnova defines a test bed as a physical or virtual environment where companies, academia or other organizations can work for change, testing, and implementing of new products, services, or processes within selected areas. 

The goal with test bed vouchers is to make it possible for small to medium-sized enterprises to test their solutions within the climate-and energy sector in Ebbepark, Vallastaden or in another part of Linköping municipality.

The pilot tests must be included and reported as part of the Linköping Climate Neutral 2030 project. Municipal companies and administrations cannot apply and not be recipients of grants. However, they can be partners. It is the applicant who is responsible for ensuring that all information is included in the application.

Possibilites & vouchers

There are endless possibilities with test beds. Some previous cases are for example Space-Showers that reuses 90% of the water or a HVO station that gives entreprenours in the nearby area the opportunity to use fossile free gas and thereby saving natural resources and money. Read more at Ebbeparks website if you are curious to read about previous cases.

The funding for each voucher is 20 000 SEK/voucher and can be handed out two times to the same company. You’ll need to apply separately for each voucher. There’s a total of ten (10) vouchers to be handed out per year, which goes in line with the directives within the project. The application is open all the time which means – first come, first served. The application will close when all the vouchers have been handed out!


The City as a Testbed - testing green ideas in Linköping

Read a short summary of what we’ve accomplished so far with the work with test bed vouchers.

”The testbed vouchers provide several benefits: they encourage initiatives that lead societal development in the right direction. They demonstrate that good ideas are taken seriously, and at the same time, they improve the municipality’s contact with the business community,” says Ulrika Johansson, Linköping Science Park.

Download PDF here (in English)

Before you apply

Before you apply, make sure that:

  • You read this document.
  • Your company has a maximum of 249 full-time employees
  • The test should start (at the latest) 3 months after approved application
  • You secure partnership with either municipal companies or Linköping University, Rise or Campushallen.

The municipality will only approve companies that:

  • Are approved for F-tax
  • Report taxes and fees
  • Don’t have any debts from the Enforcement Authority


Information in Swedish below

Innan du ansöker behöver du:

  • Läsa igenom instruktionsdokumentet.
  • Ha maximalt 249 heltidsanställda.
  • Teststart bör ske senast 3 månader efter godkänd ansökan.
  • Att du förankrar din idé med en eller flera relevanta partners. Partner kan vara förvaltning, kommunala bolag eller partners i projektet Klimatneutrala Linköping.

Kommunen kommer endast godkänna sökanden som:

  • Godkända för F-skatt.
  • redovisar och betalar skatter och avgifter.
  • inte har några skulder hos Kronofogden.

Companies granted test bed vouchers

The list is updated continuously











Together Tech/Wiotech



Dubblett AB


Kuikka & Company

Nano Textiles Solutions




Sandra viktor

Test bed vouchers explained!

– The proposed solution could be everything from technical services and products aiming to reduce the use of energy or reduce green house gas emissions, to social innovations leading to increased awareness and well-being. Something that contributes to a more climate friendly behavior and in the long run social transformation.


Sandra Viktor, project manager of Linköping Climate Neutral explains how to apply for vouchers. Read the full article here

Apply today!

 Apply for testbed vouchers here!

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