As planned, SeaPattern returned to the Svartåfors Hydropower Plant in the spring of 2024 with their improved hydrokinetic turbine. The focus this time was to gather data on all parameters associated with turbine performance in real-time. This was achieved through a state-of-the-art telemetry system, which continuously monitored water speed, vibrations, and other key factors.
SeaPattern and Tekniska verken installing the turbine at Svartåfors hydropower plant.
Product development and testing in a highly dynamic environment
In ongoing efforts, product durability is key. That’s why monitoring the interactions between water speed and vibrations is of utmost importance. Vibrations were evaluated in multiple regards: overall integrity of the design, operating conditions, and interactions between the rotating assemblies (i.e., the rotor, gearbox, and generator units). The data informed SeaPattern that the turbine performed as expected in these harsh conditions. Further analysis of the telemetry system was performed in regard to electromagnetic interference that could occur since these systems are in close proximity to high-voltage systems. The key takeaways were that the turbine passed these tests with flying colors; vibrations were well within allowable levels for all operating conditions.
“These tests were a success, in no small part thanks to our collaboration with Tekniska verken. The real-time data gathering and visualization capabilities allowed us to gain extremely valuable insights into turbine performance and durability. We are confident that this test was a major step forward for us,” explains Marcus Filipsson, Test Lead at SeaPattern.

Real-time monitoring and visualization software.
These tests were partly realized by test bed vouchers granted from Linköping municipality, which is a part of the project Linköping Climate Neutral 2030. Each voucher is worth 20,000 SEK and is handed out to small and medium-sized companies within the energy and climate sector wishing to test a solution in the testbed. SeaPattern’s tests are a further development of their former trials in 2023.
→ Read more about SeaPattern’s tests in Svartåfors 2023
→ Read more about test bed vouchers
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About SeaPattern:
SeaPattern Sweden AB is a Swedish company pioneering advanced technology to enhance electricity generation in existing hydropower plants and streams. Our dynamic Hydrokinetic Energy System, installed downstream of traditional turbines, captures energy from water that has already passed through the plant. This innovative approach boosts power output without the need for major infrastructure changes or additional environmental impact.