Today we roll out the beta version of Science Park Mjärdevis new webbsite. We have only worked with it for a few months. But we think it’s time to show what is going on. The site has a new look, but we have also replaced CMS and made a number of improvements to make it easier to operate in a way that you expect from a modern site today. So far, everything is not really in place. Some information might have gotten a bit strange, some image may need to be put on, etc. Now we continue to develop the world’s best science park site.
In the process of developing a new site, we have tried to gather different perspectives on what it is for and what to expect from it. Together with Gaia, who made the site, we gathered a reference group with representatives from large and small companies in the park and Linköping university. Their input has been very valuable for the work.
In english?
Since Science Park Mjärdevi is largely an international environment, we have switched the main language into English. It’s a way to make information about what’s happening in the park and what opportunities are available here for more people, in Sweden and abroad.
But all that old stuff?
Do you miss any of the old ones? Or have any other thoughts and ideas? Get in touch!