Note: the date for this event has passed. Please contact the event organizator or if you have any questions.

Sweden International Talent Matchmaking

  • 1-30 April

This is a national activity that aims to invite companies from all over Sweden to participate and find the perfect talent match!

Based on specific skills and competencies, international students and companies will be matched. All companies can meet directly with the students for a follow-up interview.

Register now and get matches with more than 240 international students at the Master’s and PhD levels from programs in:

  • Computer Science
  • AI and Machine Learning
  • Mechanical, Industrial and Electric Engineering
  • Biomedicine and Biotechnology
  • Business, Marketing, and HR

How can you apply?
Find here the registration for companies and talents:

Registration for companies

Registration for talents

The matchmaking tool
Cruitive provides the matching tool that matches companies and talents based on specific competencies to create the best match for all. Here you can find more information about how the matchmaking tool works.

Here you can find more about Cruitive.

Talents with the highest score
The talents who score the highest on the matchmaking tool, based on business needs and talent competencies, will be invited for a meet and greet.

What happens next?

  • After registering, all companies can create the talent profiles that they are looking for. Various positions and fields of study can be created with specific skills.
  • All international students can register by selecting specific skills and motivation factors in the matchmaking tool, (it is possible to upload a CV as well).

When and where can you meet international talents?
During the month of April, all companies can register, check the students’ profiles, and book meetings directly with them.

What is the last day to register?
Companies can register during the month of April.
We recommend creating talent profiles as soon as you sign up to start matching students.

When are the matches going to be run?
During the month of April, the tool will be run several times.

When is the deadline for companies to approve matches?
We recommend approving or declining the matches as soon as the companies receive a match notification.

When is the deadline for students to approve matches?
We recommend students approve or decline the companies’ matches as soon as they receive a notification from the company.

Have additional questions?
Please contact Anna Broeders in case of extra questions.

Please register now to participate!