The POC Day is over and the partner companies of IndX2021 have made their choice on five PoC’s. ForkNAV, AtomBeam, Rebase Energy, EmbeDL and Renbloc are the lucky winners that will get to realize their projects along with the partner companies.
– We have had great breakouts and discussions as expected. Even if it is virtual, it is when we get together that the innovation grows. When we entered our sessions to build on our ideas, we actually in some of them started with initial thought on what the PoC could be, but in the end of the session we had twisted it to be a common idea between all involved parties and a different PoC pitch than we initially thought, says Thomas Wiktorsson, CTO at Siemens Energy.
– It has truly been a great day and it is really in the interaction we build innovation! Adds Mineta Galijasevic, PhD researcher within Intrapreneurship at Siemens Energy.
IndX2021 had 60 applications from startups from all over the world and during the IndX POC Day on October 27th the final seven got to work together with the partner companies, Toyota Material Handling Europe, Väderstad, Siemens Energy and Saab, to conceptualize ideas and turn them into suggestions for PoC’s (Proof of Concept-projects)
– We had a great experience with the IndX program and are very excited to start our journey together with SAAB. Working with SAAB will enable us to verify our product packaging and technology as well as optimize our product roadmap going forward, says Hans Salomonsson from EmbeDL.

– It is just so cool that we are able to go through this process with so many people, from so many different places- but still with such a strong feeling of togetherness, says IndX Project Manager Inger Stern.
Growing the innovative ecosystem across boarders
– I am astonished by the innovation capacity that all parties bring to the table, and enthusiastic for the next step for the smart industry in East Sweden. IndX2021 has been a great chance for us to grow our ecosystem, both in Sweden and internationally, that will support future global partnership, adds Lena Miranda, CEO at Linköping Science Park.
One of the selected startups was the American company AtomBeam that will get to realise their PoC along with Saab.
– We here at AtomBeam have been very impressed with Linköping Science Park’s IndX program – its professionalism and friendly atmosphere are great, the process was rigorous and allowed every participant to hear and be heard. We are thrilled that we were selected by Saab to work with them on a proof of concept to apply our technology for their needs, says Charles Yeomans, CEO at AtomBeam.
– We expected to, in the end, be able to formulate at least one PoC project. To be able to bring the startups in direct contact with our engineers for in-depth discussions is very fruitful, and we actually generated several very promising opportunities. Expectations were realised and exceeded! says Torbjörn Kvist, Innovation Manager at Saab Aeronautics.
Sustainability on the agenda
Another of the selected startups was the Swedish company Renbloc, who will realise their PoC along with Toyota Material Handling Europe and Väderstad.
- At Renbloc we are very excited to be one of the winners of a PoC at Indx2021. The IndX format of having in-depth discussions with the partner companies during the process was an effective way to find a project that will be beneficial for everyone. Our discussion today with Toyota Material Handling Europe and Väderstad were very interesting, and we look forward to working together and helping them with their sustainable journey starting with this PoC, says Gustaf Svensson, founder of Renbloc.
– The Renbloc solution will offer us valuable insight of our actual environment footprint when it comes to energy consumed. This insight could later be used to minimize the CO2 emissions of our business, says Joakim Freyschuss, R&D Business Developer at Väderstad.
For this year’s IndX process the partner companies had agreed on three focus areas: Connectivity, Autonomy and Sustainability. And the partners are glad to have seen a large number of applicants within sustainability.
– We are overwhelmed about the high quality of the start-ups participating this year. There are so many interesting ideas, so it has been very hard to choose just a few. We are especially satisfied with the focus around sustainability and energy, clearly one of our biggest challenges going forward where start-ups are crucial to be successful, says Hans Larsson, Director Strategic Innovation at Toyota Material Handling Europe.

They want to become anessential tool for Swedish industry
Estonian startup ForkNAV will be doing their PoC along with Väderstad. The idea is to use ForkNAVs systems to keep track of finished product stock to increase efficiency.
– We are glad to be recognized by such well-known companies like Väderstad and Toyota Material Handling. We are looking forward to starting working with Väderstad to solve a problem that many companies are facing in the warehouse. We hope that we will become an essential tool for Swedish industry thanks to Indx2021 and early pioneers such as Väderstad! says Martin Joandi, Sales Manager at ForkNAV.
– With the ForkNAV application we can make actual use of their product offered quite fast in our everyday business; Handling our finished machines stock. The potential is a more efficient workflow and elimination of human errors, says Johan von Mecklenburg, Product Development Director at Väderstad.
Fruitful collaborations for Rebase Energy
The final selected startup was Rebase Energy, located in Sweden, who offers solutions for energy modeling. They will continue their PoC along with Siemens Energy and Toyota Material Handling Europe.
– Through the IndX2021 program we quickly got in contact with a relevant corporate counterpart that assisted us in concept development and refinement. During the concept designs, we reiterated and fine-tuned the proposal given the feedback from the corporates. We very much look forward to fruitful collaboration together with Siemens and Toyota Material Handling Europe, says Sebastian Haglund El Gaidi, Co-Founder of Rebase Energy.
Keep reading about IndX here!