Note: the date for this event has passed. Please contact the event organizator or if you have any questions.

Mjärdevi Update 2020

  • 22 Jan 2020, 00:00

Mjärdevi Update gives you a quick overview of what’s happening in the park. A lot is going on among the companies that we would like to share with you. Therefore, we invite you to Mjärdevi Update to give you all an overview of what is happening in the Science Park. We will serve several short interviews with companies and organizations striving to develop their business and our innovation environment.

During an extended lunch, you are welcome to join in and get an update meeting the brilliant minds and the fantastic startups, scaleups, and international R&D companies inspiring Linköping – and the globe – with technology, services, and an explorative mindset.


  • 11.30         Welcome
  • 11.35         New tenants in the park
    Hans Görefält, DXC
    Mattias Robertsson Bly, Itsam
  • 11.50         Detaljplan Mjärdevi & vision för områdets utvekckling
    Mikael Åberg, Samhällsbyggnadskontoret, projektledare Västra Valla
    Magnus Blomqvist, Klövern
  • 12.00         Unitalent, Spetsa & LEAD – tre sätt att koppla an till LiU
    Johanna Zechel, Unitalent
    Anna Jansson, Spetsa
    Catharina Sandberg, LEAD
  • 12.15         The Linköping Startup Stage
    Linnea Bergman, Solarbora
    Gustav Andersson, Energy Audit
    Anna Nilsson, Bio Reperia
  • 12.30         Swedish Scaleups
    Marie Tomicic, Olika Förlag
    Stefan Sjökvist, Termisk Systemteknik
  • 12.45         Focus Industri 4.0 & internationalization
    Joakim Delbom, Sick IVP
    Louise Lennersten, Interspectral
  • 13.00         Talent Attraction
    Anna Broeders, Science Park Mjärdevi
    Diana Saleh, LARM, LinTek
  • 13.15         Sustainability and mobility
    Sandra Viktor, Sustainability Navigator
  • 13.28             The End – summarizing

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