Note: the date for this event has passed. Please contact the event organizator or if you have any questions.

Global Impact Jam

  • 9-11 November

Global Impact Jam is a Creaton and a festival for the greater good. Get together with talents from all around the world and create new solutions for a better world. During one weekend we focus on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and how we together can be a part of the answers for the future.

Global Impact Jam is an open innovation, co-working event. The event addresses the UN’s 17 global goals to contribute to a more sustainable future where equality and diversity is a matter of course. As Partner and owner of the challenge we got Nira Dynamics who has developed a challenge that concern issues such as equal recruitment, lack of competence and climate change. During one weekend 20 talents will work towards the chosen global goals and present sustainable and innovative solutions for the business community.

Kontaktperson: Lena Miranda,