Note: the date for this event has passed. Please contact the event organizator or if you have any questions.

Cancer and Cybersecurity with Sectra and East Sweden Tech Girls

  • 6 December, 00:00

Sectra welcomes you to a meetup with the network East Sweden Tech Girls where we will let you know more about what we are best at: Cancer and Cyber Security.

What is cancer from a cellular, diagnostic and treatment perspective? How does a normal cell turn into a cancer cell and how does it spread? How do we find the cancer and what type of image methods are involved? How can we determine the best treatment for different cancer types?
All these questions will be discussed during this session.

Cybersecurity is a complex field that evokes movie-like images of teenagers in hoodies, hacking away in a dark basement lit only by the greenish glow of text on a monitor. But what is the reality behind the cliché? What are the real threats, and what are the implications for the healthcare industry? In this talk Andreas will take you on a crash course in cybersecurity, where questions and discussions are very much encouraged and welcome.

17:00 Arrival and mingle

17:15 Welcome presentation

17:30 Divide into 2 groups.
– Group 1 listen to a presentation about cancer.
– Group 2 listen to a presentation about personal cyber security.

18:10 Buffé

– Group 1 listen to a presentation about personal cyber security.
– Group 2 listen to a presentation about cancer.

19:50 Mingle and dessert