Note: the date for this event has passed. Please contact the event organizator or if you have any questions.

Tech Tuesday Special with Grepit about the Rust RTIC framework

  • 25 May, 00:00
  • Online
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Welcome to tech talk and lunch lecture! Grepit brings the Rust RTIC framework to Your lunch table. A framework for embedded real-time programming in Rust, combining Performance, Reliability and Productivity with Race- and Deadlock-free Real-Time Execution. We will showcase RTIC based products in mission and safety critical applications. And Yes, there is finally a ”free lunch” for safe and secure embedded programming, welcome to join!

Speaker: Per Lindgren, Andreas Lundqvist

Contact: Per Lindgren, Grepit/LTU, Professor in Embedded Systems,
Andreas Lundqvist, Grepit, COO,
Johan Eriksson, Grepit, CTO,