Note: the date for this event has passed. Please contact the event organizator or if you have any questions.

Tech Tuesday – Nira Dynamics

  • 8 May, 00:00

Building a high definition road condition map: Saving lives and enabling self-driving cars

NIRA Dynamics AB has developed software algorithms both to estimate the road conditions in real-time and to process the data in their own cloud. The basic approach is to use the already existing sensors in the car, with high focus on the tire and the wheel speed sensor. This enable a quick ramp-up, allowing NIRA to build a real-time, hi-resolution road condition map needed for highly automated driving. By combining the road condition data with micro weather data quality improves and also allows forecasting of future road situations. The service is being rolled out in Europe and Per will talk about the connected functions and cloud-based data processing: The open platform, the architecture and the business model.

See you at Creactive in Science Park Mjärdevi, Teknikringen 7, Linköping


12.00 Lunch is served!
12.15 Presentation.
13.00 Time to get back to work.