Note: the date for this event has passed. Please contact the event organizator or if you have any questions.

Linköping Chip Party with Jowan Österlund

  • 20 December, 00:00

Science Park Mjärdevi, DoSpace and Biohax Sweden invite you to a relaxed before-Christmas-After-work. Jowan Österlund from Biohax International talks about biohacking and offers the opportunity to put a chip in your hand. And be sure to buy suitable products and the best Christmas gifts from at sight during the evening.

The chip works great for use in the new door lock at Mjärdevi Center (already in use by Science Park Mjärdevi CEO Lena Miranda), tickets at SJ, and many more things. So take the opportunity to create a completely key free workday.

Jowan Österlund

Jowan Österlund at this years East Sweden Hack

News coverage about the chip here: Dagens IndustriSVT, and KIT Video