Note: the date for this event has passed. Please contact the event organizator or if you have any questions.

CANCELED/INSTÄLLT: AI & Visual: How Does It Affect Us?

  • 15 June, 15:00-17:00
  • Norrköping Science Park, Laxholmstorget 3, Norrköping
Sign up is closed

A Critical Eye On AI & It’s Rapid Development

With this new event series we want to ask the hard and critical questions around the new tools of AI, related to ethics.

We not only believe, but we know that technology is having a significant impact on the world right now. In fact, together with a unique generational shift, society is changing rapidly. How does it affect us?

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to join the conversation on AI ethics, gain valuable insights, and contribute to the development of responsible AI practices. Reserve your spot today and come to Strykbrädan on June 15th to take a leap into the future and learn about how technological shifts are affecting both businesses, citizens and society.

The picture is generated by Midjourney.