Applications for Sweden 2020 national startup world cup competition due October 15, 2019!
Silicon Vikings has partnered with Startup World Cup to be the organizer for the Startup World Cup 2020 United States Regional Competitions in:
- US West Coast (Washington, Oregon, California)
- Texas
- Utah
Silicon Vikings has partnered with Startup World Cup to be the organizer for the Startup World Cup 2020 Nordic Competitions in:
- Denmark
- Finland
- Norway
- Sweden
One winner from each of these competitions (taking place between November 2019-March 2020) will go on to compete at the Global Grand Finale in San Francisco in May 2020 for the $1 million USD investment prize!
In 2018, Silicon Vikings ran National Competitions in Norway, Sweden and Finland. In 2019, we ran National Competitions in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden…and a Baltic Regional Competition was held in Latvia. One winner from each of these competitions went on to compete at the Global Grand Finale in San Francisco for the $1 million USD investment prize!
In 2019, our Swedish National Winner, Mimbly, won the European Continental Finale which included a $500,000 USD investment!
At the Global Grand Finale in San Francisco in 2019, 3 out of 5 of our National Competition winners made it all the way to the top 12!
Global Grand Finale Speakers in San Francisco have Included:
- Steve Wozniak, Co-Founder of Apple
- Reid Hoffman, Founding CEO of LinkedIn
- Vinod Khosla, Founder of Khosla Ventures and Co-Founder of Sun Microsystems
- Adam Cheyer, Co-Founder of Siri
- John Chambers, Former CEO of Cisco
- Marcelo Claure, Chief Operating Officer, Softbank
- Marc Randolph, Co-Founder of Netflix
- Tim Westergren, Founder and Former CEO, Pandora
- Jay Vijayan, Former CIO of Tesla
- Ray Lane, Former President & COO, Oracle
Terry Jones, Founding Chairman,
Interested in being a Sponsor for our Nordic and/or US Competitions?
Please email Charlotte Danielsson, Silicon Vikings’ CEO, at:
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