In November, Robin Eriksson, Program Manager IndX, visited both Web Summit in Lisboa and Slush in Helsinki – scouting the startup landscape and establishing valuable connections for IndX.
One example is connecting and catching up with startup which already has been invited to a digital IndX day this year due to the great fit with the current IndX focus area Service Market and Supply Chain.
“This was my second year at SLUSH and it really proved to be the case that most people say, the first year you learn and the second year and on you can get the benefits,” Robin says.
In general, during both fairs, the overarching theme was surprisingly enough AI but with a more mature touch to it.
“I also reacted on investors interested in being part of Proof of Processes between large corporations and startups, a gap that needs to be bridged. This would help mitigate the “death-by-POC” phenomenon, which is very true for startups. On the same theme, many startups also expressed a want to work with SMEs or startups, since they are easier targets of customers, almost shying away from working with larger organizations,” Robin reflects.
You could also see the tensions between broader and more general ai solutions as well as more vertical ones such as service bot agents within for example customer service.
In Lisboa, Robin spotted many relevant AI startups and how the whole city was integrated into the event for the whole week, meeting up at evening events during the week with great prerequisites for networking.
Read more about Robin’s ventures when he’s out and about with IndX: