Note: the date for this event has passed. Please contact the event organizator or if you have any questions.

Regulatory requirements on Mobile Telecom infrastructure – by Ericsson and Combitech

  • 25 January, 10:00-12:00
  • Novahuset fd. IFS huset, Teknikringen 5, Sal: Sirius
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Mobile Telecom Systems are seen as critical infrastructure. Regulatory bodies are proposing new requirements to secure the mobile networks in their countries.

This talk will elaborate on the Regulatory landscape and typical Security related requirements, with a focus on Mobile Telecom Systems. Some main areas of Regulatory Security requirements will be presented, highlighting some specific differences between requirements from various countries.

With all these requirements, the question is how will the mobile telecom industry, and in particular Ericsson, plan to fulfill these security requirements?

Then Combitech will elaborate on compliance of regulatory requirements.

Combitech will discuss EU, through its agency for Cybersecurity, Enisa, aims to take a comprehensive approach to Cybersecurity certification of products and services within EU. They have developed frameworks such as EU Cybersecurity Act and EU Cyber Resilience Act, from which certification schemes are developed to cover different areas. Telecom networks is one of those areas.


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Anders Staaf, Consultant Unit Manager, Combitech

Magnus Öberg, Security Specialist, Ericsson