The IndX process has made huge changes this year and with that comes the IndX Startup Bank. But what is it really and how does it help you who applies to IndX? We spoke to Inger Stern, Project Manager, who explained the concept to us.
– Something that we have noticed since we started working with IndX in 2020 is that there are so many great startups and ideas but the timing is not always right. So we wanted to create a process where we and the partner companies look back at old applications in an organized way.
An international arena for open innovation
IndX is a global startup arena where the industrial giants Väderstad, Saab, Siemens Energy and Toyota Material Handling Europe come together in the search for innovative startups. IndX has been active since 2020 and has had more than 100 applying startups.
In the IndX Startup Bank each reviewed application will be saved. The partner companies will then review the contents of the bank once every year to see if any of the ideas or solutions are interesting at the moment.
– Our partners are constantly growing and changing and of course that means that their needs are changing as well. With the IndX Startup Bank we can give both the partners and startups a second chance to get matched, says Inger.
Next Pitch Day
The applications of the startups that applied during 2020-2021 will be reviewed during the spring of 2022 and the ones that are invited to pitch again will join the partners at one of the Pitch Days in June, October or December.
– The startups that have applied before are of course welcome to make a new application if they want to update their information. And if that is the case, I don’t think they should wait. The partners are more ready than ever and the next Pitch Day, in April 6th, is closing in!