Note: the date for this event has passed. Please contact the event organizator or if you have any questions.

Student Case Day

  • 26 September, 00:00

Create solutions for a sustainable future at Student Case day

Visualization, new materials, and connected systems can save the world. Do you want to join us for a day to make it happen?

Student Case Day brings together some of the most exciting big companies and startups in East Sweden with students from Linköping University who want to get to know the future of technology challenges in visualization, smart materials and the Internet of Things. Together with SAAB, Tekniska Verken, Cybercom, and Epishine, you will solve cases and be involved in the development of new innovative solutions. Educational, fun, and challenging.

Free of charge. We even offer breakfast and lunch. Come on. Bring a friend! It’s going to be awesome.

Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact any of us from the region’s cutting edge hubs in Visualization & Image Analysis, new materials, and the Internet of Things.

Eric Holmstedt, Visual Sweden
0722 – 43 07 44

Pia Lindström, Innovative Materials Arena
0725 – 74 00 33

Tsion Woldemariam, IoT World
0722 – 31 68 33