Note: the date for this event has passed. Please contact the event organizator or if you have any questions.

Thesis fair

  • 7 October, 00:00
  • Digital

Welcome Students!

Welcome to the thesis fair 2020! Please click this link to come to the gallery with the companies.

  • You can read about each company, their offering and their master theses.
  • On Wednesday October 7th, 12:00-16:00, you can meet the companies through digital meetings – you will find the links to each company’s meeting in the company gallery.





Thesis fair 2020 goes digital!

The yearly thesis fair (“exjobbsmässan”) connects engineering students in their final year with companies that have thesis projects (projects or ideas that students can help develop). Due to the restrictions that are in place because of covid-19, this year’s fair will be digital.

How does it work?
The Thesis Fair will be held trough Linköping Science Parks website. The companies that attend the fair will be presented with a short pitch that will be uploaded on the website and on social media. The students will also have the chance to meet your companies through digital meeting with smaller groups of students which will give them a change to talk to you.