Note: the date for this event has passed. Please contact the event organizator or if you have any questions.

Cyber Security initiatives across Europe – hybrid participation

  • 10 November, 00:00
  • Online and at Collegium, Teknikringen 7, Linköping
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This is a part of East Sweden Innovation day. Read about the whole day, where you can participate in person in Linköping, here. This particular part of the program can be attended both in person and digitally. For digital participation, use this Zoomlink.

Cyber Security initiatives across Europe – digital participation

In times of trade war between the US and China, the war on Ukraine and an increasing polarization over the globe, the number of cyber attacks have risen and more and more companies and operations – even countries, are being attacked. The focus on cyber security is rising all across Europe and a number of initiatives are being launched in different countries and by different actors.

To see what is happening outside of Sweden, we have put together a panel on Cyber Security to bench-mark initiatives taking place in Europe to raise awareness and knowledge about how to avoid hacker attacks and cyber threats among SME:s and the public sector.

We are happy to present some initiatives across Europe:

  • Gavin Pole, Here East London will tell us about how they are operating a huge governmental initiative
  • Jeroen Kasbergen, DTC, Netherlends, will tell us more about the initiative Digital Trust Center that has been operating for more than five years
  • Dr. Eigner György, Óbuda University in Hungary, will share some planned activities, governmental wishes and the Hungarian Cybersecurity Cluster where Óbuda University is a founder.
  • Magnus Lundqvist, project manager Cyberly, Linköping Science Park

This event is a part of Innovation Day.