On this Friday, September 3rd, it is time to kick off this falls Society Quest- an initiative by Visual Sweden, Linköping University and AI Sweden.
Society Quest is a platform where representatives from academia, businesses and the public sector join forces to tackle our common global challenges. This time the Quest will focus on three of the Global Goals, 8.4 IMPROVE RESOURCE EFFICIENCY IN CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION, 12.3 HALVE GLOBAL PER CAPITA FOOD WASTE and 13.3 BUILD KNOWLEDGE and CAPACITY TO MEET CLIMATE CHANGE.
– We believe that this Society Quest can create both societal benefits and business opportunities. With this constellation of partners who have knowledge within visualization, image analysis and AI combined with an understanding of the challenges our world is facing I can see endless opportunities, says Anders Carlsson, process leader at Visual Sweden.
– We have seen this many times before, Societal challenges have become a strong driving force to identify solutions that create business deals, adds Ulrika Johansson, project manager from Visual Sweden.
The Society Quest will start off with an digital inspirational event on September 3rd 10-12 AM, where the participants will be presented to four up-to-date examples designed to kick off their own creative processes.
They will meet Daniel Haltia of Ingka Group. He will share his insights on the circulal readjustment journey that IKEA is on.
The next speaker is Tomas Lundvall, CEO at ICA Maxi in Linköping, where they recently installed an inhouse greenhouse that not only makes them self sufficient on salads and herbs but saves loads of water and transports. We will also be joined by Sten Lindell from SMHI who will speak about how they have used 3D-visualization to illustrate the rising sea levels.
Last but not least, Lena Westerholm of ABB will share the story of the ABB Sustainability Strategy and how it helps to create value for their stakeholders.
Daniel Haltia, Ingka Group Lena Westerholm, ABB Foto Jonas Bilberg
The presentations will be available online afterwards, so you can still join the Society Quest even if you can’t participate at the live event.
After the inspirational event the participants will meet up on October 1st to workshop together and find possible solutions within the chosen areas.
– To participate in Society Quest can lead to so many great opportunities. You can generate new project ideas, find new collaboration partners or even clients. It is also a great way to boost your own work within sustainability, says Karin Ackerholm, Senior Project Manager at AI Sweden and Innovation Adviser at Linköping University.
The participants will also get the opportunity to apply for funds, up to 100 000 SEK, from Visual Sweden to perform a pilot study. The organizers also provide help in other application processes.
Sign up to the event on October 1st here!
Watch the inspirational event here!