Just before christmas the project team of IoT World got exiting news from ESCA, the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis. IoT World just got their ECEI Silver Label for Cluster Excellence!
Early in IoT Worlds history, back in 2018, the cluster received the Bronze Label, that is the first level awarded by ESCA. During that process IoT World received guidance on how the cluster should develop and improve during the following years to still be a relevant cluster for it’s members. The Silver Label is awarded to Cluster management organisations that are able to demonstrate these improvements in the course of an audit conducted by an impartial ESCA cluster expert will be awarded the SILVER Label.

Ulrika Johansson and Daniel Kullgard, Project Managers at IoT World.
– The certification has been an educational process where we have had the opportunity to develop IoT World by taking part in what successful clusters do. We have been given the opportunity to reflect, gather evidence and review our structures so that we can meet our members’ wishes even better, says Daniel Kullgard, Project Manager at IoT World.
– In the process, we have had meetings with other clusters in Sweden, which strengthens our network and provides a learning community for further development. The certification shows that IoT World maintains a high level in cluster contexts and hopefully also provides security for our members. IoT World is not a project but a long-term investment to accelerate the use of IoT solutions. Our region is strong in the area of smart, secure and robust connected products and systems. In IoT World, there is a strong community and a commitment to together create sustainable growth with increased employment and strengthened competitiveness for digital companies. We want to contribute to the sustainable digitalisation of the public sector and the regional business community. IoT World is an open arena and can enable development and create value, adds Ulrika Johansson, Project Manager at IoT World.