Now we launching a project to develop solutions to improve public logistics using smartly connected products and systems, also known as the Internet of Things (IoT). The project has been assigned SEK 12 million in support of Vinnova and involves a large number of actors in East Sweden, both companies and authorities.
In Östergötland’s strategy of smart specialization, efficient logistics and connected systems and products are two of the strengths highlighted: areas with cutting-edge expertise within companies and the university.
The new project Public Logistics and IoT aim to link development in the areas and build a knowledge hub to develop concrete solutions. Many public organizations are dependent on resources in the form of materials, personnel, knowledge, equipment available in the right place at the right time.
Vinnova has granted SEK 12 million in state aid. A total of 26 million will be invested in the project, which will last for three years. Region Östergötland is project owner, RISE SICS East is the technical coordinator and Science Park Mjärdevi will run the project together with a large number of actors, including the National Forensic Center, Tekniska Verken, Linköping University, Stångåstaden and several other small and large companies including Attentec, Cybercom, Flex, Gaia, Indentive, Peltarion energy och Thin Film Electronics . The actors contribute with knowledge, working hours and financing.
“This allows us to make the region the Swedish competence center for secure online systems linked to public logistics,” says Kjell Sullivan, IoT’s business developer within Competence and Enterprise at Region Östergötland. Today there are already a lot of exciting companies and innovations in the area. Now we gather skills, development of innovations and the need for new solutions in a unique venture.
The project will work on a variety of occasions and develop solutions where IoT can improve and streamline logistics systems in public operations.
“We will also create a community around secure IoT solutions and create contact areas and networks between public needs owners, companies and researchers who can provide solutions,” says Lena Miranda, CEO of Science Park Mjärdevi. The networks will need to extend outside the region to make us relevant to as many as possible. We will actively look for companies that want to participate, and look forward to creating this hub for new innovations and effective community solutions.
“The technology of Internet of Things is raging rapidly, and it is positive that we have the opportunity to transfer technology and knowledge to the region’s public actors,” says Martin Rantzer, CEO of RISE SICS East.
Four pilot projects will be implemented. One of these is run by the National Forensic Center and is about shortening the handling times for crime cases through more efficient logistics. Another is run by Tekniska Verken in Linköping, which wishes to identify the possibilities and benefits of using IoT in water, district heating, and waste.
Region Östergötland operates a pilot project aimed at managing needs and new logistics solutions in the region’s healthcare business to optimize the use of resources. In addition, Östgötatrafiken operates a project to improve the management and planning of traffic by means of connected buses.
For more information contact:
Kjell Sullivan, Region Östergötland, Phone 072-450 27 72,
Lena Miranda, Science Park Mjärdevi, phone 070-529 56 45,
Martin Rantzer, RISE SICS East AB, 072-341 01 73,