East Sweden Hack 2017 vinner of Ultrahack
The winning team from East Sweden Hack, organized earlier this year by Science Park Mjärdevi in Vallastaden during the Living Expo, attended this weekend in on of Finland’s largest Hackathon: Ultrahack. Their app won the Open Track category and they will get to pitch the idea at one of the world’s leading startup events, Slush, in 1.5 week.
The team consists of Xin Zhang from Singapore, employed at Ericsson in Linköping, Maxime Bonneau from France, also employed by Ericsson, Simon Mehari, a student at Linköping University and Steven Chien from Hong Kong and student at KTH.
The team has developed a fire safety solution. An app in the user’s smartphone, along with a Indoor Positioning System from the company Senion in Mjärdevi, helps people who are stuck in a house where it is burning to find a way out.

Maxime Bonneau, Xin Zhang and Simon Mehari.
If a fire starts in a large building, the user starts the app. Thanks to the Senion sensors, the user can see their exact position in the building on a map, and then the app takes out the fastest and safest way out of the building. During Ultrahack, the team also developed a link to smartwatches. Through its smartwatch, users can both get evacuation instructions and simultaneously send back data that shows the user’s pulse and position. Such data can then be used by the Rescue Service to see where in the building there are people and in which state they are. Smartwatch manufacturer Polar that sponsored Ultrahack accompanied this solution with an honorary award.
The participation in Ultrahack was part of the price of East Sweden Hack. Focusing on this year’s East Sweden Hack, organized for the fifth year, was to solve future societal challenges and find solutions for how we build the society in the future using the Internet of Things and open data. 20 teams competed during a weekend on-site in Vallastaden during the Living expo.

Senion Beacon Sensors on site at Ultrahack
-East Sweden Hack is an important part of Science Park’s work on open innovation, which we can help companies, academia, and society to create the future’s technical solutions, says Lena Miranda, CEO of Science Park Mjärdevi. It’s incredibly fun that our winning team also wins the Open Track at Ultrahack with its solution. It is a good example of how much you can achieve when you open up the innovation processes for different perspectives and allow different actors to contribute.
In 1.5 week, the team is present at Slush in Finland to present its solution. Slush is one of the world’s leading launchers and is visited by over 17,000 investors, entrepreneurs, and journalists from around the world where they can win 10 000 euro.