Note: the date for this event has passed. Please contact the event organizator or if you have any questions.

Välkommen på Q&A Session med Steam – Session for experienced studios

  • 4 March, 00:00
  • Digitalt (Zoom)
Sign up is closed

Våra vänner på Sweden Game Arena bjuder in startups och etablerade spelstudios att träffa personer från Steam Business-teamet på Valve i en Q&A-session. De kommer att svara på frågor som skickats in av utvecklare, allting från best practices till mer tekniska frågeställningar.

Det sker två sessioner via Zoom; en för startups som är på gång att släppa sitt första spel på Steam – och en session för etablerade studios som har släppt flera spel och vill öka sina intäkter.


In english

Sweden Game Arena invites startups and experienced studios to join members of the Steam Business team from Valve in a casual group Q&A session, to help you get the most out of shipping your game on Steam.

They will be covering questions submitted by developers on topics ranging from how the Steam Store works and how particular Steam features work, to best practices and even technical topics.


This session is for experienced studios, which means that you have released several games on Steam but want to step up your game regarding sales.

In this session you get to meet Alden Kroll, Tom Giardino and Kassidy Gerber from the Steam Business team from Valve.

When? Thursday March 4th at 18:00 CET.
Where? Online via Zoom. You will get the Zoom link a day before the session.
How? Sign up and submit your questions no later than Thursday Feb 25.

A maximum of 2 people per studio can sign up for the session. Submit your questions together so that all studios have the opportunity to get their questions answered.