Note: the date for this event has passed. Please contact the event organizator or if you have any questions.

Network meeting

Science Pop Up Expo 2024

  • 24 Apr 2024, 10:00-13:30
  • Källvindsgatan 5, Norrköping Science Park

At the Science Pop Up Expo, PhD students from Linköping University can exhibit their knowledge and showcase their research to companies and find opportunities to collaborate, exchange research, get a job, or engage in a project.

A great opportunity for companies to learn more about current research projects, and for PhD students to get in contact with interesting companies for future collaborations.
Take this opportunity to explore and make meaningful connections!

This year, we will start the event at 10.00 by listening to some lectures for PhD’s and master’s students. The event takes place at Källvindsgatan 5, Norrköping Science Park, and will not be digital.

The main topics to present are:

✅ Cyberattacks on new digital energy services.
✅ Robotic solutions with autonomous decision-making software.
✅ Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT planning systems.
✅ Semiconductor material systems.
✅ Innovative materials.
✅ Data in Deep Learning.





Evelina Åslin

Hela Galvis



  • 10:00 — 10:10

    Event starts and short mingle

  • 10:10 — 10:15

    Hi and welcome! Hela and Evelina

    Linköping and Norrköping Science Park.

  • 10:15 — 10:35

    Make the most of your research career with EURAXESS

    By Therese Lindkvist, international coordinator LiU and project manager of EURAXESS Sweden.

  • 10:40 — 11:00

    Are you preparing for running the toughest marathon in your life? What happens beyond your PhD studies?

    By Jamie Villegas, Commodity Manager at Siemens AB

  • 11:15 — 12:00

    PhD pitches.

    Each PhD student can present their research work in a 5-minute pitch. Special posters about each investigation will also be presented.

  • 12:00 — 13:00

    Lunch and mingle

  • 13:00 — 13:20

    Poster or patent ? We can LEAD you!

    By Matilda Olstorpe, Business Coach at LEAD Business Incubator.

  • 13:20 — 13:30

    Event closure


Therese Lindkvist

International coordinator LiU and project manager of EURAXESS Sweden.

Jamie Villegas

Commodity Manager at Siemens AB

Read more

Matilda Olstorpe

Business Coach at LEAD Business Incubator