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Science Park Update 2022

  • 24 Mar 2022, 00:00
  • LINK Business Center, Gamla Tanneforsvägen 49, Linköping
Sign up is closed

Science Park Update gives you a quick overview of what’s happening in the Linköping innovation eco-system. 2021 was for sure an exceptional year – challenging and transformative in many ways. Linköping seems to have been quite resilient until now. Listen to representatives from the region and municipalities, industry organizations, and of course a number of entrepreneurs and executives.

We will give you an overview of what is going on in an up-tempo program covering companies that have chosen Linköping, new startups, and growing scaleups as well as insights into our ongoing and new digital initiatives and project platforms. We will also highlight activities within talent attraction and community building.

Take the opportunity to tap into Linköping’s innovative business community and meet the fantastic people, startups, scaleups, and international R&D companies inspiring Linköping – and the globe – with technology, services, and an explorative mindset.

We serve breakfast at 08.00 and the program starts at 08.30.



    • How is the business community of Linköping and East Sweden doing?
      What are our strong industry segments, the potential – and how have our companies coped during the pandemic? What are the future prospects? Meet the panel with industry experts from a local, regional and cross-regional perspective.

      • Mattias Weinhandl, Linköpings Affärsänglar
      • Louise Felldin, Näringsliv och Tillväxt, Linköpings kommun
      • P-O Brehmer, Linköpings universitet


    • Linköping – an attractive place for international investments (film) 
      What makes Linköping attractive for new and growing businesses – and for international investments? Meet company representatives that choose Linköping for a reason.

      • Jennie Hammer Viskari, Veoneer
      • Leif Haglund, Maxar
      • Leif Erlandsson, Microtec
      • Christian Sahlén, Actia Nordic


    • Linköping moving into cloud transformation
      The cloud is the driving force behind digital transformation today. Leveraging the cloud in all its forms – on-demand software applications, data and infrastructure services, smart development environments, and new innovations such as machine learning – can feel like an overwhelming proposition. Meet Ericsson who is about to launch cloud transformation as a new business segment in Linköping.

      • Patrik Holm, Ericsson


    • Linköping – A vibrating startup scene
      Linköping is known for its vibrating startup scene. For many years new businesses have risen from the deep tech competence of Linköping University and the surrounding business community. What is cooking right now? Meet three inspiring entrepreneurs to present three promising startups for the future.

      • Kujtim Salihu, Facegent
      • Sam Issa, Nanotextile
      • Marcus Drugge, Arboair


    • Collaboration between the regional industry giants and the Science Park
      • Niclas Sternerup, Chief Deputy Technology Officer, Toyota Material Handling Europe


    • Linköping – a great place to grow your company – Swedish Scaleups
      Meet the CEOs transforming from startup to scaleup growing their companies on a national and international market. What are the future opportunities as well as challenges – and what makes Linköping a great place to run a growing business?

      • Oscar Öberg, Softube
      • Mikael Håkansson, Zoezi
      • Sam Niskanen, Lurkit


    • Regional Cyber ​​Security Center
      Meet our new nod manager for the regional cyber security center.


    • New Places
      Linköping Science Park holds a great platform and works with a wide range of projects and processes. From events with teenagers to initiatives from the government and cooperations with some of the most R&D intense companies in Sweden. They all use the same tool to bring people together and offer a wider purpose to gather around – community. Meet some of the people that have experienced the community around the science park.

      • Linn Lichterman, Ebbepark, Sankt Kors
      • Jannike Tillå, Internetstiftelsen
      • Daniel Andersson, LINK, Lundbergs


    • Linköping – a great hub for international talent
      To stay competitive and secure the right competence to grow your company, more and more recruiters are looking to attract international competence.

      • Bijona Troqe, PHD WASP, Linköping University
      • Hela Galvis, Project Manager, Linköping Science Park
      • Sajid Athikkay, CEO, Dazoq


    • Code Summer Camp 2022 (film)
      Code Summer Camp has made it possible for more than 1600 children and youngsters to learn the fundamentals of coding in a fun and creative way over the last six years. Last year, thanks to Corona, the camp went digital and could expand both in numbers and geography. This year, we plan for a hybrid format. Meet our young participants and people engaged in the summercamp.


    • What about the future?
      To summarize we have invited Simon Helmér, CEO of East Sweden Chamber of Commerce, to join Lena Miranda in a discussion about what defines our regional capabilities and future opportunities.