Network meeting
AI for forensics – Cyberly in cooperation with Digital Forensics Sweden
- 13 Jun 2024, 08:30-12:00
- Visualiseringscenter C, Norrköping
Digitalization has created an entirely new playing field for criminal activity.
Historically, forensics has been about securing traces such as footprints, bloodstains, fingerprints, and DNA. The new technologies emerging from the internet and AI unfortunately also provide opportunities for new forms of cybercrime.
Technology can help us observe changes and anomalies through AI and pattern recognition in vast amounts of digital information, gather, analyze, and investigate incidents, events, and criminal activity from large datasets, or use visualization and digital twins to bring the crime scene back to the lab.
8:30 — 10:00
Visualiseringscenter Center C
Drop in fika and guided group demonstrations of our “Visual Crime Scene.”
10:00 — 12:00
The Dome at Visualiseringscenter
Welcome to the dome – Lisa Lindgren, CEO, Visualiseringscenter C
Welcome by Cyberly and Digital Forensics – Joanna Sjölander, Niclas Fock and Lena Klasén
Briefing and discussion on multimodal data and trustworthy AI.
– Domains in cooperation for safety and security -
Optional, at your own expense, at Visualiserings Center C
13:00 — 15:00
Closed meeting for Digital Forensics Sweden
Network member meeting

Dr. Lena Klasén
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Dr. Lena Klasén
Dr. Lena Klasén is since June 2018 Research Director at the Office of the Police Commissioner and Ajd. Professor Digital Forensics, Computer Vision Laboratory Linköping University Sweden. January 2015 to May 2018 she was appointed Director of the Swedish National Forensic Center (NFC) and part of the National Police Commissioner strategical and operational management teams. The Swedish Police Authority has about 35 000 employees.
Dr. Klasén has a PhD in Image Coding at University of Linköping, Sweden and has led industrial- and research organizations in Swedish authorities such as Saab AB, Swedish Defence research Agency, Swedish Defence Material Administration, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science and the Implementing Committee of the New Police organization at the Swedish Ministry of Justice. Lena has and have held several commissions of trust, e g as board member and forensic expert. Her industrial experience also includes product portfolio management at Saab and being involved in starting up innovative companies.
Through her appointment as Director of the Swedish National Forensic Centre and engagement in the scientific field of science for forensics and defence- and security applications, Dr. Klasén has gained a very broad knowledge in all the forensic science disciplines, including for example firearm, trace analysis, dna, drug analysis, fingerprints, and also grew the lab to meet the challenges within the rapidly growing field of digital forensics.
Dr. Klasén had the national responsibility to coordinate the Police’s it-forensics. Dr Klasén’s current appointment as Research Director is to coordinate and exploit the research forefront and establish applied research to provide new tools and methods for the Swedish Police force, focusing on forensics and crime scene investigations. She has initiated and leads the forming of a Digital Forensics consortium, that now includes more than 50 partners, with the mission to increase the national capability in digital forensics.

Niclas Fock
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Niclas Fock
Niclas är vd för Santa Anna IT Research Institute och är engagerade i Sveriges två största AI-satsningar; Det nationella AI Sweden där han är senior rådgivare och varit engagerad sedan starten 2018, samt i WASP – Wallenbergsstiftelsens stora forskningssatsning på AI, där han är direktör för forskningsarenorna som utgör mötesplatsen mellan forskning och industrí.