Note: the date for this event has passed. Please contact the event organizator or if you have any questions.

Mjärdevi Update

  • 19 January, 00:00

In many ways, last year has been a great year for the companies in Science Park Mjärdevi, and there is a lot going on that we would like to share with you. Therefore, we invite you to Mjärdevi Update on Jan 19th, to give you all an overview of what is happening in the Science Park. We will serve a number of short interviews with companies and organizations striving to develop their business and our innovation environment.

During an extended lunch on Jan 19th between 11.30-14.00, you are welcome to join in and get an update meeting the brilliant minds and the fantastic startups, scaleups and international R&D companies inspiring Linköping – and the globe – with technology, services and an explorative mindset.


11.30-12.00 Tillväxt och platsmarknadsföring

Nya etableringar

  • Per Elmhester, Prodelox
  • Ann-Charlotte Johannesson, CEI
  • Helena Gallerdal, Find Out Technologies

Nya co-workingspaces:

  • Niclas Söör, DoSpace

Update Översiktplanen

  • Maria Kromnow, Linköpings stadsbyggnadskontor

Sustainable Science Park

  • Anna Broeders, Hållbar mobilitet som tjänst/Sustainable Science Park

12.00—12-20 Status Startups


  • Abhishek Jacob, Naveen Sasidharan, Worldish
  • Björn Garplind, Invisense


  • Maria Bolin, LEAD

Förstärkt Startupmiljö

  • Martin Källström, Stream

12.15-12.35 Lunch

12.35-12.50 Scaleups


  • Mattias Engström, Syncore
  • Oscar Öberg, Softube

Projekt i parken

  • Daniel Kullgard, Växtzon

12.50-13.00 Talangfacilitering

  • Rekrytering utanför regionen
  • Anna Broeders, Employer Branding Science Park Mjärdevi

13.00-13.20 Internationalisering

Affärer i Kina

  • Johan Lyreborn, Configura
  • Luki Zhao, Lumeo Tech

Internationell expansion

  • Fredrik Wanhainen, AMRA
  • Christer Andersson, Business Sweden

13.20-13.45 Finansiering


  • Mikael Hult, Indentive
  • Bertil Nordenborg, Devport


  • Lena Lyckenvik, EST,
  • Mattias Weinhandl, Linköpings affärsänglar,
  • Jenny Jansson, ALMI Invest

14.45-15.00 Utifrånperspektivet på vår miljö

  • Johanna Palmér, Östsvenska handelkammaren