LiU SAI – Scene for AI # 3 med Hector Geffner
- 31 March, 00:00
- Lövverket Studenhuset, Linköpings University or Zoom
Model-free, Model-based, and General Intelligence
Hector Geffner
ICREA & Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
IDA, Linköping University, Sweden
One of the main obstacles for developing flexible AI systems is the split between data-based learners and model-based reasoners. The former yield fast and effective stimulus-response boxes which are opaque and inflexible, while the latter yield flexible systems which require models to think and plan. The two types of systems have close parallels with the so-called Systems 1 and 2
in current theories of the human mind (D. Kahneman: Thinking fast and slow): the first, the “intuitive” mind; the second, the “analytical” mind. A central challenge in AI research is the integration of the two types of systems by learning representations that support reasoning. In this talk, I look at the state of AI research from this perspective, and at the problems being addressed in our lab.
Hector Geffner is an ICREA Research Professor at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in Barcelona, Spain, and a Guest Wallenberg Professor at Linköping University where he leads the Representation, Learning, and Planning Lab (RLPlan). He obtained a PhD in Computer Science, and worked at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center in NY, USA, and at the Universidad Simon Bolivar, in Caracas. He is the recipient of an Advanced ERC Grant (2020-2025) to carry out research on symbolic representation learning for acting and planning.
LiU SAI – Scene for AI
LiU SAI – Scene for AI – is an arena in which we arrange lectures and events with a focus on AI, in the partnership with AI Sweden. The aim is to promote the AI-related work being done both at Linköping University and in regional industry. The idea with Scene for AI is to generate interest and be a natural gathering place for everybody who is interested in AI, thereby stimulating collaborations both within the university, local businesses and with other regional national and international actors interested in AI.
All events will be open for academia, industry and the general public. However, the specific target groups, technical depth and language will vary from event to event. All the events will be recorded and available to watch afterwards.
Information about AI at LiU
Information about LiU SAI – Scene for AI