HELIX-seminarium med Alberto Albahari 12 september 2018
- 12 Sep 2018, 00:00
Science and Technology Parks: what we know and what we still don’t. An overview on existing studies and suggestions for future research
Science and Technology Parks (STPs) have spread worldwide in the last decades and there is an open and vibrant debate on their effectiveness as instruments of technology and innovation policy. In this seminar, we present a comprehensive and critical review of the copious literature on STPs, in order to find any conclusive evidence on the effects of the on-park location on firms, highlight main drawbacks and gaps in the literature and provide directions for further research.
The Seminar is led by Dr. Alberto Albahari from the University of Malaga, in English.
Tid: Den 12/9, klockan 13.00-15.00
Plats: Creactive. Teknikringen 7, Linköping.
Anmälan dig: Här senast den 7/9.