Note: the date for this event has passed. Please contact the event organizator or if you have any questions.

East Sweden Tech Girl goes Visual Sweden

  • 8 May 2018, 00:00

East Sweden Tech girl is a newly established network for people who identify themselves as women and are professionals or students in the technology sector in East Sweden. The purpose of the network is to develop the participants’ professional identity, skills and networking, and to inspire primary and lower secondary school students to start studying tech topics. The network is facilitated by Science Park Mjärdevi and operated by tech-girls from East Sweden.

East Sweden Tech Girls goes Visual Sweden

At this meet-up, hosted by Visual Sweden. Amanda Berg, Industrial PhD student at Termisk Systemteknik AB/Linköping University will give a presentation about her research. We will also get a presentation of Gabriella Rydenfors who works as a software developer at Voyses.

After the presentations, we will get some food and mingle.

Hope to see you the 8th of May at Creactive, Teknikringen 7, Linköping