Note: the date for this event has passed. Please contact the event organizator or if you have any questions.

Cybercrime – Can We Protect Ourselves?

  • 6 May 2021, 00:00
  • Zoom
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Cybercrime – Can We Protect Ourselves? (Seminar will be held in English)
In the wake of the global digitalisation, cybercrime is increasing at a catastrophic pace.
Today, it is very easy as a criminal to remain anonymous online. The wide variety of digital solutions offers endless opportunities to reach prospective victims without being detected. Things need to be done. However, it is wrong to believe that the police authority’s investigative work alone will remedy the digital crime wave. Instead, a shared social responsibility is required to counteract these crimes.
This short lecture will shed light on how digital crime occurs and what consequences this lead to in our society? Can we protect ourselves from this invisible threat?
• How costly is the Cybercrime for the society (with Sweden in focus)?
• EU reactions to the lack of cyber hygiene
• A situational picture, what is happening right now and how is it happening
• Why Cybercrime will never go away
• How easy it is to prevent large parts of the threats from occurring
• Why the Police Authority alone cannot handle the situation and why the Private-Public-Partnership is required for the future
This hour-long live webinar will have room for Q&As
Mr. Jan Olsson has worked as a Swedish police officer for 30 years, of which 14 years as an expert in fraud. He was involved in starting the National Fraud Center 2013-2014 and has been at the National IT Crime Center (Noa) / Swedish CyberCrime Center (SC3) for 3 years as a Superintendent / Operations Developer / P3 coordinator.
Mr. Olsson gives lectures about 50 times a year in Sweden and in Europe / USA. He has a media responsibility for the past 12 years, which has resulted in thousands of interviews.
He participates in international police cooperation within Europol, Interpol, Ameripol etc. and educates both internally and externally, but also outside Sweden under CEPOL’s umbrella.
Stora Kreditpriset 2015.
Large Police Scholarship 2018.
SSF’s merit badge 2020.
Continuing Education Institute-Europe AB organize short technical courses in  Automotive, Blockchain, Circuit & System Design, Embedded Software Development, EMC, Signal & Power Integrity, IoT, Mechanical Engineering, Semiconductor Technology, Sensor and Digital Imaging, Telecommunications, Application Software, RF & Microwave Design, Communication Networks, Chemical Engineering and Satellite Communications.
Our course portfolio is found here
During the ongoing pandemic, all courses are held online.