Note: the date for this event has passed. Please contact the event organizator or if you have any questions.

Apply for test bed vouchers

  • 1 January - 31 December
  • Linköping
Sign up is closed

Now you as a SME working with solutions within sustainability have the chance to apply for vouchers for test beds!

With these vouchers, you get the ability to try your solution in Linköping municipality. Your solution shall aim to reduce emissions of Co2 and make Linköping a smarter and greener municipality! This work is a part of Linköping Climate Neutral and Viable Cities.

Practical information:

The goal with test bed vouchers is to make it possible for small to medium-sized enterprises to test their solutions within the climate-and energy sector in Ebbepark, Vallastaden or in another part of Linköping municipality.

The pilot tests must be included and reported as part of the Linköping Climate Neutral 2030 project. Municipal companies and administrations cannot apply and not be recipients of grants. However, they can be partners. It is the applicant who is responsible for ensuring that all information is included in the application. The applicants must secure partnership with either municipal companies or Linköping University, Campushallen or RISE before applying.

The funding for each voucher is 20 000 SEK/voucher and can be handed out two times to the same company. You’ll need to apply separately for each voucher. There’s a total of ten (10) vouchers to be handed out per year, which goes in line with the directives within the project. The application is open all the time which means – first come, first served.

More information about the project and how to apply here.