Note: the date for this event has passed. Please contact the event organizator or if you have any questions.

An introduction to open traffic data and GTFS – Partner Breakfast AI Sweden

  • 22 April, 00:00
  • Plommon, Spektrum, Ebbepark, Linköping or digital
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By this morning seminars, we want to explore a platform for partners within AI Sweden to meet, discuss, and find new touching points. In the seminars, our partners present different topics related to AI and technology. We encourage a vivid discussion among the participants in the second half of the meeting. This event is only open to AI Sweden partners.

Theme: An introduction to open traffic data and GTFS

Carin Carelind, Östgötatrafiken, and Bert Marcelis, Samtrafiken, talk about their joint project on open traffic data, Trafiklab. The purpose is to make public transport data available so that third-party developers can develop new, smart services for public transport. Trafiklab makes it easier for the public transport industry and we enable new innovative solutions.

The presentation will be about what amounts of data are available at Trafiklab and what is included in the data. Bert Marcelis will also introduce the GTFS format, which includes both scheduled and real-time data. This type of data is perfectly suited to machine learning and AI to produce real-time forecasts and the like.


Speakers: Carin Carelind, Östgötatrafiken, and Bert Marcelis, Samtrafiken
Day and time: April 22, 08.00 – 9.00 am.
Place: Welcome to participate in our Linköping, Stockholm or Gothenburg office or online.