An internationalisation programme for Swedish cleantech & energy companies
The Swedish Energy Agency is now looking for companies with innovations suitable for a global market. The Swedish Energy agency has launched three Cleantech Hubs in London, San Francisco and Shanghai. The aim of the programme is to accelerate the growth and reach of Swedish innovations with a potential to contribute to a global transition towards sustainable energy consumption.
Applications are open to companies with new innovations for improved energy efficiency or renewable energy. Selection criteria include potential to contribute to a global transition towards sustainable energy consumption through renewable energy and increased energy efficiency, scalability of the innovation, business potential, verified innovation, dedication and available resources.
Ansökningstiden går ut den 23/3
Under veckan 11 sker informationsmöte– då kan företagen ställa sina frågor och få mer input till Cleantech Hubbarna.
* Tisdag 12 mars, klockan 8.00-10.00 på Linköping Cleantech Park, Gjuterigatan 1
Om programmet:–vilken-marknad-passar-dig-bast/
Om informationsmötet:–innovation/affu/dokument/inbjudan—internationella-program-energimyndigheten-business-sweden.pdf