I met up with Svante and Mikael for a quick chat about sustainable mobility and found out that Ericsson was the first property owner in Science Park Mjärdevi to install charging posts for electric cars and fenced bike stands under roof. During spring 2018 they will expand the number of charging post for electric cars up to ten. Yay, for that!
Changing room with shower and sauna makes it easier for the employees to commute with a bike and to exercise at lunchtime.
Work-related travel within the city is close to nonexistent, as is company cars for private use as a benefit. The company’s travel policy focus on travel modes that have low-carbon emissions. If you noticed, a dozen Ericsson employees can daily be sighted next to track number 2 awaiting the train to Stockholm and the headquarter in Kista:)
The carbon footprints concerns for Ericsson is not the emissions from transports but the energy consumed in their big datacenter. Ericsson is one out of the eight largest energy consuming companies in Linköping and participates in the newly started climate network called “Linköpingsinitiativet” aimed to reach Linkoping municipalities ambitious climate goal; carbon-neutral by the year 2025.
From March and forward #SustainiableSciencePark gets a section of the monthly newsletter distributed to the 800 employees. With this, we hope for more brilliant input and increased activity from the employees. We feel very excited about that! Thank you for the fruitful visit // Sandra