On Friday, December 9, IndX hosted its last and fourth pitch day of 2022 at Siemens Energy in a snowy Finspång with Mineta Galijasevic and Ulf Rådeklint kicking off the day. We wrapped up the year by listening to four excellent pitches by WearHealth, Stilride, Norditech and Neue, talking about workforce augmentation solutions, steel origami, automated stock management, and sensor as a system solution.
After each pitch, everyone got to evaluate and reflect on the presentations – an opportunity for the startups to learn more about what large companies are looking for in future sales and preparations. This initiative came from three students from the Master of Science in Energy – Environment – Management program at Linköping University. A great example of enabling knowledge sharing between companies and presenting IndX to a future generation.
We also want to congratulate Stilride and Jonas Nyvang for winning Most Valuable Pitch. Most Valuable Pitch is handed out to the best pitch performance of the day.
After the pitch session, we listened to a presentation of the Zero Emission Hydrogen Turbine Center about how to produce and store hydrogen energy, along with a production tour. The day was summed up by a well-needed energy boost: eating lunch at lunch restaurant Energikällan!
Thank you to Siemens Energy, Saab, Väderstad and Toyota Material Handling Europe. And thank you to Hans Winzell, our star of hybrid meetings!
The next pitch day of 2023 is set to March 31st, don’t wait – apply today! See you next year!