IndX2020 is s a unique collaboration between four of the largest global industrial companies in East Sweden. Saab, Siemens Energy, Toyota Material Handling, and Väderstad partner with Linköping Science Park in the search for new innovative ideas and startups within emerging technologies.
The application period for IndX2020 has now closed, and no less than 70 startups have chosen to apply. In the following selection process, 10 companies have been selected to proceed. Out of the 10, five is based in the East Sweden Region, four in other part of Sweden and one comes from abroad.
– It is incredibly fun with such great interest in our open innovation process, says Inger Stern, project manager for IndX 2020. Now the selected companies will record pitches where they present their technology solutions and their companies. A co-creation process then begins, where the startups and R&D employees from the four industry companies mutually create concepts in how to use the technology in existing operations. It will be very exciting to see what the result will be.
The idea generation starts with a digital pitch event, after that there will be workshops leading to conceptualization. In the end, some of the ideas will get funding in real proof of concept projects. The POCs will be funded by Toyota, Simens Energy, Väderstad, and Saab.
– This type of open innovation process is a great tool for startups to develop their solutions in collaboration with operational R&D personal from our partners. In this way our startups will get great feed-back on future application areas for their technology solutions. It’s a process where entrepreneurship meets intrapreneurship, says Lena Miranda, CEO of Linköping Science Park. Its also an effective way for large companies to gain access to new technology, ideas, and kickstart future development processes.
– We believe that by cooperating regionally, we can create an arena for experiments, tests, new concepts, and ideas that will make all of us grow stronger, together, says Fredrik Wigh, Program Manager Innovation, Toyota Material Handling
IndX2020 is initiated by Toyota, Saab, Siemens Energy, and Väderstad. It’s a part of Linköping Science Parks’ work with open innovation processes and also a part of the broader ecosystem for innovation and development in East Sweden.
Our region carries a strong history of innovation. With roots in the manufacturing industry and with an early focus in ICT, we have developed a capability that has meant that we have been at the forefront of new technology since the 1950s. In 1969 Linköping technical faculty started, and in 1975 we became a university. The academia has been a catalyst for generating talent and new research discoveries – knowledge, that in an infinite number of contexts has been translated into new companies and new products and business areas in existing companies. Over the past 50 years, this interaction has developed into a lively exchange between Linköping University, a dynamic business community, and the surrounding society.
IndX 2020 pitch-event will take place on the 26 of October. Here you can read about the full process.