Note: the date for this event has passed. Please contact the event organizator or if you have any questions.

Tech Tuesday with Nira Dynamics: Solving the right problem

  • 9 November, 00:00
  • Digital or at Nira Dynamics, Wallenbergs Gata 4
Sign up is closed

At NIRA Dynamics, we are all about innovation and exploration, and our vision is to make transportation safe and hassle-free. Understanding the market needs is the key to solving the right problems, which is why we spend a great deal of our time on that in our innovation process. We have adopted the design sprint process, formed at Google Ventures in 2012, to the Automotive Industry and the different challenges that arise in a often slowly moving environment. This presentation will focus on the design sprint process and how we have made it work in our environment.

12.00 Lunch is served for those who participate physically
12.15 Time for the seminar
13.00 Head back to work

The Speaker:
Simon Tegelid is a Systems Engineer at NIRA Dynamics, leading the innovation process and bringing the best out of NIRA’s engineers combined knowledge. With over ten years in software development and in the Automotive Industry he has witnessed many products solving the wrong problem.