Note: the date for this event has passed. Please contact the event organizator or if you have any questions.

Canceled: Science Park Mjärdevi China network: How to start selling in China

  • 12 April, 00:00

Unfortunately, we need to cancel this event due to circumstances outside our control.

2018 was a turning point in the China – Sweden trade balance. We export more to China than we import. 2019 China is expected to outgrow the US as the world’s largest retail market.
In other words, it’s time for us to talk about and start selling in China.
A fast-growing middle class, with a wish for new and improved products, is a golden opportunity for Swedish brands wishing to enter the world’s largest retail market.
Do you want to learn more about the Chinese market and how to become a part of it?
In this breakfast seminar Simon Bugge will share his experiences and valuable insights on how to succeed on the Chinese market.
The seminar will cover themes as:
  • Why is now the time to enter the Chinese market?
  • Where do you start and how do you get into the market?
  • Tools for entering and succeeding on the Chinese market
Simon have spent the last 7 years working, living and studying in China, working with local business development and helping companies improve sales in China. During his years of residency in China, learning to speak Mandarin fluently, and acquiring many significant contacts, he has a unique and valuable understanding of the Chinese culture and how to enter the Chinese market.