Note: the date for this event has passed. Please contact the event organizator or if you have any questions.

East Sweden Innovation Day 2023

  • 9 November, 09:00-13:00
  • Norrköping
Sign up is closed


  • 9:00 — 12:00

    Moderator: Anna Lindberg

    Keynote Speakers:

    Anders Ynnerman
    Professor in Scientific Visualization and Program Director for WASP (Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems, and Software Program).

    Amer Mohammed – “The Intern Who Can Do All the Boring Stuff for You, for Free!”
    Amer Mohammed, a digital AI expert and the driving force behind the massive AI investments at the shipping giant Stena Line, demonstrates how companies using AI can streamline, automate, and provide better customer experiences. It’s essential to keep up with the rapidly evolving field. Companies emerging in your industry today are already four times more efficient and automated than you are.

    Hanna Gerdes – When Digitization Leads to Discrimination
    New digital solutions can increase inclusion and contribute to strengthening human rights. However, they can also create new forms of exclusion. Human rights lawyer, educator, and author Hanna Gerdes provides concrete examples from everyday life of how digitization has led to discrimination. How do we ensure that we don’t exclude by asking the right questions from the beginning? Can AI be a part of the solution?

  • Panel Discussion with Lena Miranda (moderator)

    Key note speakers:

    Anders Persson
    Professor of Medical Image Science and Director of CMIV (Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization).

    Lena Klasén
    Lena Klasén has been the Research Director at the Swedish Police Authority since November 2018 and an adjunct professor in digital forensics at Linköping University since February 2020 as part of her employment with the Police.

    Lisa Åbom
    CEO at NIRA Dynamics

  • 12:00 — 13:00

    Lunch Break

    Enjoy a meal while visiting stations with students from Linköping University showcasing examples of generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT and Adobe Firefly.


Anders Ynnerman

Amer Mohammed

Hanna Gerdes

Lena Miranda

Anders Persson

Lena Klasén