NordSec is an annual research conference series that has been running since 1996. The NordSec conferences address a broad range of topics on IT security. The events bring together security researchers from the Nordic countries, Northern Europe, and beyond. In addition to being venue for academic publishing, NordSec is an important meeting place for university faculty, students, and industry experts from the region. The proceedings consist of peer-reviewed articles and are published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.
Nordsec 2020 will be arranged as a online conference with virtual participation.
Preliminary program
Monday November 23
13.30-14.00 Opening
14.00-14.45 Keynote Prof. Elisa Bertino
14.45-15.00 Break
15.00-16.15 Session 1: Malware and attacks
- Persistence in Linux-Based IoT Malware (Calvin Brierley, Jamie Pont, Budi Arief, Julio Hernandez and David Barnes)
- Real-time triggering of Android memory dumps for stealthy attack investigation (Jennifer Bellizzi, Mark Vella, Christian Colombo and Julio Hernandez-Castro)
- Using Features of Encrypted Network Traffic to Detect Malware (Zeeshan Afzal, Anna Brunstrom and Stefan Lindskog)
16.15-16.30 Break
16.30-17.45 Session 2: Formal analysis
- Machine-checking the universal verifiability of ElectionGuard (Thomas Haines, Rajeev Gore and Jack Stodart)
- Information-Flow Control by means of Security Wrappers for Active Object Languages with Futures (Farzane Karami, Olaf Owe and Gerardo Schneider)
- Efficient mixing of arbitrary ballots with everlasting privacy: How to verifiably mix the PPATC scheme (Kristian Gjøsteen, Thomas Haines and Morten Rotvold Solberg)
Tuesday November 24
10.00-10.45 Keynote Dr. Marnix Dekker
10.45-11.00 Break
11.00-12.15 Session 3: Applied cryptography
- (F)unctional Sifting: A Privacy-Preserving Reputation System Through Multi-Input Functional Encryption (Alexandros Bakas, Antonis Michalas and Amjad Ullah)
- TLV-to-MUC Express: Post-quantum MACsec in VXLAN (Joo Yeon Cho and Andrew Sergeev)
- On the Certificate Revocation Problem in the Maritime Sector (Guillaume Bour, Karin Bernsmed, Per Håkon Meland and Ravishankar Borgaonkar)
12.15-13.15 Lunch break
13.15-14.45 Session 4: Security mechanisms
- HoneyHash: Honeyword Generation Based on Transformed Hashes (Canyang Shi and Huiping Sun)
- Agent-based file extraction using virtual machine introspection (Thomas Dangl, Benjamin Taubmann and Hans P. Reiser)
14.45-15.30 Poster session
15.30-16.45 Applications and privacy
- Privacy Analysis of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps in the EU (Samuel Wairimu and Nurul Momen)
- OnLITE: On-line Label for IoT Transparency Enhancement (Alexandr Railean and Delphine Reinhardt)
- An Investigation of Comic-Based Permission Requests (Katie Watson, Mike Just and Tessa Berg)
16.45-17.00 Closing session