Note: the date for this event has passed. Please contact the event organizator or if you have any questions.

Mjärdevi Update

  • 16 Jan 2019, 00:00

Mjärdevi Update gives you a quick overview of what’s happening in the park. A lot is going on among the companies that we would like to share with you. Therefore, we invite you to Mjärdevi Update on Jan 16th, to give you all an overview of what is happening in the Science Park. We will serve a number of short interviews with companies and organizations striving to develop their business and our innovation environment.

During an extended lunch on Jan 16th between 11.30-13.30, you are welcome to join in and get an update meeting the brilliant minds and the fantastic startups, scaleups and international R&D companies inspiring Linköping – and the globe – with technology, services and an explorative mindset.


  • 11.30-11.50 – New residents in Mjärdevi; Henrik Lindmark, Axis, Joachim Tollstoy, Devex, Jonas Henriksson, Unik Resurs
  • 11.50-12.00 – Talent Attraction; Emelie Siegbahn, Sectra & Karl Lindau, HiQ
  • 12.00-12.20 – Entrepreneurs in Residence taking over; Charlotta Hartzell, Tobias Johansson & Robert Myrsäter
  • 12.20-12.25 Stretch your legs
  • 12.25-12.45 – Linköping startups; Katarina Bengtsson, LunaMicro, Josefin Persson, Vissheim & Johannes Walfridsson, PU Sensors.
  • 12.45-12.55 – Linköping scaleups; Oscar Öberg, Softtube & Mathias Ericsson, Modio
  • 12.55-13.15 Linköping Venture Capital; Jenny Engerfelt, Almi, Mattias Weinhandl, LIAF, Björn Persson, Spiltan
  • 13.15-13.30 Summerizing session: Carl Fredrik Graf, Govenor of East Sweden