Note: the date for this event has passed. Please contact the event organizator or if you have any questions.

Mjärdevi Summer Party

  • 27 Jun 2019, 00:00

Celebrate our first 35 years at the Science Park Summer Party

The innovations and the people who create them have been at the center for 35 years in Science Park Mjärdevi. Today thousands of people work to shape the future together in Mjärdevi. The technological development affects us all and the society we live in more than ever. Tech, with a purpose, is more important as ever. Mjärdevi is one of the largest and oldest Science Parks in Sweden. Let’s celebrate this! We want to both tributing the history of the Science Park but also look ahead. Where are we in 35 years from now?

Science park Mjärdevis summer party is the perfect way to start the summer. Meet new and old friends, update you on what is happening in the park and enjoy the (hopefully) warm weather.

Preregistration is closed. In the afternoon of the same day, we also invite you and all of your colleges to a large AW for the whole park, do not miss it.