Note: the date for this event has passed. Please contact the event organizator or if you have any questions.

LoRa in Mbed – seminar and workshop

  • 9 November, 00:00


Are you working with embedded systems or IoT devices? Are you familiar with ARM Mbed? We are following up our “Build with Mbed – Exploring LoRa” webinar with a combined breakfast seminar and workshop on how to develop a LoRa application in the ARM Mbed Environment.

The LoRa low power wide area networking solution is gaining space. It is being used in a wide range of applications. More hardware solutions supporting LoRa are available and the cost is decreasing. But how to effectively create a LoRaWAN application running on the HW? What tools and methods are available, and how should the application be configured for the LoRaWAN network?

Join Etteplan and partners for a workshop where we explore the powerful combination of LoRa and ARM Mbed!

You will learn:

  • How to setup and use Mbed as your development environment
  • Basics of LoRaWAN and how to build a LoRa application in Mbed
  • What kind of HW is availabe to support LoRa applications
  • How to setup your LoRa application both for privat and public networks.

You will get:

  • Mbed enabled LoRa development kit
  • Connection to a public LoRaWAN network (for a limited amount of time)

The event consists of presentations followed by a hands-on workshop. The first part is suitable for product managers, R&D managers and developers. The hands-on part more for software engineers, application developers or anyone interested in learning how to create a LoRa based appllication.


8:30 Breakfast

9:00 Presentations:

  • Introduction to Arm Mbed, Jan Jongboom, ARM
  • HW solutions for LoRa application, Marcus Woxulv, ST
  • Public LoRaWAN network in Sweden, Martin Edofsson, Blink Services
  • LoRa in Arm Mbed, Hans Winzell, Etteplan

10:30 Hands-on workshop

  • Creating a LoRaWAN application in Mbed
  • Connecting to private and public LoRaWAN network

12:00 end of event