Bright East – After Work
- 30 Aug 2017, 00:00
We start off the afternoon with mingle and dinner at Quality Hotel Ekoxen. The 20 first guests to arrive will be offered a beer/non-alcoholic beverage.
Ekoxen will provide a special deal where you get a ceasar salad alternatively a burger as well as a glass of wine, beer, or non-alcoholic beverage for the price of 149 kronor.
Bright East is the network for the ones aged 25 to 35 years. We meet up a couple of times a year to inspire as well as allow ourselves to be inspired by others, make new connections, discuss ideas, and maybe even set some of them in action. This might very well be where you meet a new friend, colleague, or client. Bright East is the region’s most exciting career network for the generations that make up the drivingforce in our part of the world, both today and in the future.
Bright East is run by:, HiQ, ACE, Mjärdevi Science Park, Norrköping Science Park, Skill Scandinavia and East Sweden Chamber of Commerce.