Welcome to Goto 10

Goto 10 is a free meeting place for knowledge exchange and innovation run by the Internet Foundation. You can come here to work or attend an event.

Read more about the meeting place and the program here.

Earlier information about Creactive.

As a result of the Corona pandemic Creactive stays closed. Meanwhile, Linköping Science Park is working on transferring the operations to a new actor, as the science park will not continue to run Creactive. We hope that Creative will reopen with a new strong player that continues to develop the place to be a central meeting place in Mjärdevi. At this time, unfortunately, we can not say anything about when that may happen.

Linköping Science Park has, for several years, built up and run the services at Creactive. Over the years, we and many others have arranged hundreds of events, meetings, and lectures. The record is 350 different types of events in one year. The students at Linköping University have gained access to both study places and met many of the park companies. Not least through the various fairs arranged at Creactive. The visits from prominent guests have been many: ministers, ambassadors, business leaders. Creactive has been a natural meeting place. We hope that it will continue to be so.

At the beginning of 2020, Linköping Science Park received a changed assignment from Linköping Municipality. Mjärdevi continues to be Linköping’s most exciting area for innovative companies, but more places are being developed around Linköping. Many of the companies we work with are not only in Mjärdevi but also in other places. Vreta cluster, Cav:ok & Ebbepark are some of the areas that today and in the future gather innovative companies. Linköping Science Park’s mission is to work with companies from all over Linköping. Together with the other innovation actors. Among other things, we offer open innovation processes, support for growth companies, several engaging networks, and promotion of everything that happens in the Science Park. To do this in the best way possible, we believe other players can better run Creactive. For some time now, we have been in discussions with a potential partner interested in taking over Creactive. Our goal is for the premises to continue to be an accessible, open, inclusive meeting place that takes advantage of all the values ​​that Creactive has created over the years. But at the same time, can continue developing, renewing, and facing new expectations of meetings during the post-corona period.

Today we can not say anything about the timetable for when the takeover would occur or more about what it means in practice since the discussions are ongoing. As soon as we know more, we will, of course, inform about that. If you have any thoughts about Creactive, you are warmly welcome to contact us.