Note: the date for this event has passed. Please contact the event organizator or if you have any questions.

Tech Tuesday with Combitech: The Smart Factory – Digital transformation always centred on people and security

  • 25 April, 00:00
  • Goto 10, Linköping
Sign up is closed

There is a major change underway in manufacturing, from isolated digitalised islands to intertwined, connected, efficient systems with high cybersecurity. The smart factory benefits from the possibilities of digitalisation for increased productivity, higher quality, smarter work environments and strengthened collaboration, internally as well as with customers and suppliers. In this seminar we will share with you how we work with Industry 4.0 and show some examples of it.
Link to online event on YouTube.


Johan Andersson works as a technical leader at Combitech in the field of Industry 4.0. In this role, he works on developing Combitech’s concepts related to Industry 4.0. In addition to this, he also works as a consultant on projects where he assists clients in their digital transformation within the industry


  • 12:00

    Lunch is served for those who participate physically

  • 12:15

    Time for the seminar

  • 13:00

    Head back to work